Testing user input interactions
When testing user input, make sure to dispatch an input event after setting the input element's value property.
Angular doesn't know that you set the input element's value property if you don't do this. After this, make sure to call detectChanges()
on the test harness/fixture.
The following example demonstrates the proper sequence.
it("should convert hero name to Title Case", () => {
// get the name's input and display elements from the DOM
const hostElement: HTMLElement = harness.routeNativeElement!;
const nameInput: HTMLInputElement = hostElement.querySelector("input")!;
const nameDisplay: HTMLElement = hostElement.querySelector("span")!;
// simulate user entering a new name into the input box
nameInput.value = "quick BROWN fOx";
// Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.
nameInput.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
// Tell Angular to update the display binding through the title pipe
expect(nameDisplay.textContent).toBe("Quick Brown Fox");
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