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Angular CDK's TextFieldModule provides useful utilities for working with text input fields such as input and textarea.

One of them is the cdkTextareaAutosize directive, which can be applied to any textarea to make it automatically resize to fit its content. The minimum and maximum number of rows to expand to can be set via the cdkAutosizeMinRows and cdkAutosizeMaxRows properties respectively.

<label for="textAreaId">Text area: </label>

<textarea id="textAreaId" cdkTextareaAutosize cdkAutosizeMinRows="4" cdkAutosizeMaxRows="10">
Long text to be added...

Add the TextFieldModule to your component to use the directive.

import { TextFieldModule } from "@angular/cdk/text-field";

  selector: "app-root",
  standalone: true,
  imports: [CommonModule, TextFieldModule],
  templateUrl: "./app.component.html",
  styleUrls: ["./app.component.css"],
export class AppComponent {}


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