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Awesome things that can be done with Array.from()

Array.from() is great method to have in your bag of tricks. According to the MDN definition, it is a method that "creates a new shallow-copied instance from an array like or iterable object". I will share with you some cool things that can be done with this method.


If you have an HTML Collection or Nodelist, which are array-like objects, you cannot treat them as an array per se and hence, there is no access to the Array.prototype handy methods. In order to be able to access them, you can use Array.from() method to turn these Collections or Nodelists into array form.

  <li class="item">Item 1</li>
  <li class="item">Item 2</li>
  <li class="item">Item 3</li>
  <li class="item">Item 4</li>
  <li class="item">Item 5</li>
const lis =
  document.getElementsByTagName("li"); /*lis is here an HTML collection*/

const arr = Array.from(lis); /*It is now an array*/

You can also create an array from another type of array-like object: arguments.

function foo() {

foo(1, "firstName", true); /*[1, "firstName", true] */

Sometimes you need a string converted into an array, and this method can do it for you too as an alternative to the String.split method

console.log(Array.from("Nelson")); /*["N","e","l","s","o","n"]*/

The optional parameter : the map function

In my previous post, I used Array.from() to create an array of consecutive numbers.

  Array.from({ length: 5 }, (item, index) => index)
); /* [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] */

This is possible because the Array.from() takes an array-like object or iterable object as a first parameter but also an optional second parameter which is a map function.

In this case, the iterable object is of length 5, and the map function returns the current index of each item, filling up each of the indexes of the new array created and generating a sequence of numbers.

Without the map function, the array would look like this:

  Array.from({ length: 5 })
); /* [undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined] */

Now you can see the power of the Array.from(). You can create arrays of whatever length you want and with the map function, you can fill it up with whatever sequences you want.

Hope you found this one useful!


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